The District is made up of approximately 926km2 covering an area that is predominately rural with a large tidal coastal region facing the Gulf of St Vincent. The District borders the City of Playford in the south, Wakefield Regional Council in the North and the Light Regional Council to the east.
The main townships within the District are Two Wells, Mallala and Dublin with coastal settlements at Middle Beach, Thompson Beach and Parham. Within these coastal settlements you will find pristine, sensitive tidal flats famous for the blue crab and a place to find some interesting and unique vehicles called 'jinkers' that locals use to get there boats out to the deeper water. In land you will find some beautiful natural assets like our Rockies Reserve which has permanent water and is a great place to visit and enjoy the natural setting.
The District also encompasses Lewiston which is one of the major population areas. Within Lewiston you will find the Rural Living and Animal Husbandry Zones where residents are able to participate in the breeding of animals, particularly focussed on dogs and horses.
The District Council of Mallala (Now Adelaide Plains Council) in 2010 celebrated 75 years since the amalgamation of the Port Gawler, Grace and Dublin Councils. The District now has approximately 8,500 residents, with major growth predicted in the next 5-20 years.
The District is home to some key industries including the successful D'Vine Ripe tomatoes producer at Two Wells and engineering firm Sharmans who produce many of the state's farming silos. The area is also home to many farmers involved in the wheat, barley, lucerne and hay production.
As a floodplain the District is dissected by the Light River and the Gawler River. A look at our logo shows the two rivers in blue amongst the green and yellow reflecting the rural land.
The District is only a short 50 minutes trip from the Adelaide CBD which brings with it enormous potential for growth. This potential has been identified in the state's 30 year plan for greater Adelaide with the challenge for the Council and the community to manage this growth in a sustainable manner and protecting the rural character of the District.