An iconic, community hub leading the renaissance of Gawler by connecting people and businesses through increased commercial activity, community events and interaction.
The primary purpose of the Gawler Civic Centre is to revitalise and redevelop existing Main Street, community buildings that will drive economic growth, create new jobs and strengthen the social and cultural base of Gawler and the broader region. Social connection, community celebration and lifelong learning are key outcomes for this unique, regional facility.
The Gawler Civic Centre contains six buesiness functions that intend to collectively deliver significant community and economic development in the region, namely:
1. Gawler Public Library
2. Cultural Heritage Centre
3. Function Venues and Meeting Rooms
4. Youth Space
5. Business Innovation Hub
6. Social Enterprise Cafe
true community facility, developed and driven by the local community, creating the pre-eminent social, cultural, heritage and business innovation centre for the region.
The Gawler Civic Centre has a wide range of products and services to offer, delivered both separately and collectively via the six functional areas. Collaboratively these offerings will enable the Gawler Civic Centre to once again be the service centre for the broader Gawler region.
Collaborative products and services that will provide diverse value to the wider Gawler community include: education and training programs, social and community wellbeing services and partnership delivery models.
The Gawler Civic Centre aims to provide a genuine, new cultural tourism experience, be an economic driver and a community connection point for the region...Discover, Connect, Innovate and Grow.
Celebrating and connecting past, present and future communities.