Blog Article
Draft Budget out for Consultation
almost 2 years ago
Draft Budget out for Consultation

The draft Annual Business Plan reflects the activities that Gawler Council has proposed to undertake in the next 12 months. It is designed to deliver on the Community plan 2030+, council’s Asset management Plan and be in line with the financial forecasts set out in the Longterm Financial Plan.

To support the Annual Business Plan, councillors and staff have prepared a financially disciplined draft budget with the focus on ensuring long-term financial sustainability for Gawler. Managing our expenditure is vital to meet the challenges of the increasing costs associated with running council’s current programs and service levels.

The draft budget is required to support not only the delivery of council’s required services but also deliver on key projects which will position council to meet the on-going growth in not only the council area, but also the region.

The Annual Business Plan includes a $10m capital works program to deliver on priority projects and community infrastructure. This includes more than $3m in local road works and bridge renewals, $680,000 for recreational upgrades such as playgrounds and $1.2m for new footpaths, kerb and gutter, drainage improvements and erosion control.

To position council to meet the anticipated growth, a Growth Framework is being developed to shape how this occurs and the infrastructure that is needed. This includes the location of facilities and services to ensure that the things important to the community, such as Gawler’s identity, are maintained. To complement the Growth Framework, council will develop an Integrated Transport Strategy which will focus on ensuring that the town has a road hierarchy which meets current and future growth, focuses on active transport and considers how car reliance can be reduced in favour of public transport options.

The Annual Business Plan sets out council’s continued commitment to major community infrastructure projects where planning commenced during the 2022-2023 financial year.

DOWNLOAD - Draft 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan & Budget Document

The projects include:

An adventure themed playground located at Reid Reserve

Construction of Reid Reserve Playspace - funded by State Government. This project was advocated by Tony Piccolo MP with the aim to improve Reid Reserve as a recreation area for local residents and the community.

Netball court redevelopment

New netball courts, improved lighting, new shelter, improved disability access and car park improvements for the Gawler and District Netball Association. Redevelopment of netball court surfaces, stormwater, lights, and improvements to carpark as funded through State Government.

Gawler Aquatics Centre

New filtration system for 50 metre swimming pool located at the Gawler Aquatics Centre. Works include the replacement of the existing filtration system, with a new pressurised system to be delivered across 2023 and 2024 off-seasons. Project commenced in 2022-2023, with the project to be completed in 2023-2024 at a cost of $605,000.

Karbeethan Reserve redevelopment

Delivery of Stage 1 upgrades to Karbeethan Reserve incorporated within the site’s Master Plan will progress in 2023. The upgrades include delivery of a Division 1 standard baseball diamond, a softball diamond, improvements to shared turf spaces and a premiere pitch for soccer. Complete with new irrigation, LED sports lighting and player shelters, this project seeks to improve the high liveability of Gawler and the northern region. Funding from the State Government’s Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program ($0.9m) and Sports Infrastructure Grant ($1m) has been secured, with council contributing the balance of funds (estimated at approximately $2.5m).

Waterproofing Gawler

A $50,000 allocation in the draft budget will assist review and progress previous waterproofing assessments undertaken by council. It will also be used towards expanding the analysis of water proofing opportunities, including stormwater harvesting, Managed Aquifer Recharge and other recycled water sources. The investigations and analysis will be important inputs into future grant submissions for cofunding the delivery of waterproofing projects.

Participatory Budgeting

To encourage community engagement in budget considerations, council has once again launched its ‘Participatory Budgeting Initiative’. In April, council invited residents to nominate minor projects or events which would provide community benefits to residents of Gawler, with individual value of up to $20,000. Council’s Participatory Budgeting Working Group considered all nominations and shortlisted the following four projects for the community to vote on: Accessible peace garden at Dead Man’s Pass, re-vegetating drainage line at Willaston, shelter and picnic fountain at Humphrey George Reserve and drinking fountain at Gawler South Playground. To vote, please fill out the survey at or pick up a physical form from the Gawler Administration Centre at 43 High St. You must be a Gawler resident to be eligible to vote with submissions closing at 5pm on Monday, May 29.

The Draft 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan & Budget are part of Council’s integrated planning and reporting framework. The documents act as Council’s road map for the next 12 months and demonstrate how Council will work towards achieving the community vision and we value the Community input in to the programs, services and projects we undertake.

We look forward to receiving your feedback over the next month as part of the consultation period.

Written submission on the Annual Business Plan will be received until 5pm on Monday 29 May 2023.

Written submissions marked attention to: Executive Manager Finance and Corporate Governance can be lodged via the following methods:

‘Your Voice Gawler’ at

Post – to PO Box 130, Gawler SA 5118

Over the counter – Town of Gawler Administration Centre, 43 High Street, Gawler East

E-mail -

Alternatively, you can provide a verbal response by speaking at the at the Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 6 June 2023 in the Council Chambers, Gawler Civic Centre, 89-91 Murray Street, Gawler at 7pm.